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A smile can change a person’s day. When you improve your smile, you will have enhanced confidence that will last for years to come.

Have you been thinking about straightening your teeth? Orthodontic treatment can fix improper bites (malocclusion), which are typically the result of disproportionate jaw relationships and tooth irregularity. Treatments usually focus on dental displacements and help control facial growth.

Whether you want to improve your smile for aesthetic reasons, fix crooked teeth or your dentist has recommended it for health reasons, an orthodontic treatment might be your answer.

Invisalign is the most modern tooth straightening procedure practiced in dentistry today. Invisalign uses a series of completely transparent, removable teeth aligners, used instead of the traditional metal dental braces.  There are many advantages of this kind of orthodontic treatment:

  • One is that you are able to eat, drink, and brush your teeth without the appliance in your mouth

  • Secondly having this fixture is shown to reduce the chances of demineralization or tooth decay that could happen with traditional metal braces

  • Thirdly, new aligners are changed every two weeks due to the change in your mouth structure

  • It is a simple treatment that will fix the minor crowding and minor spacing in your mouth that will put pressure on your teeth to move them in the right direction.

Are you interested in INVISALIGN? Dr. Archer wants to give back to her patients by making it as affordable as possible. Please speak with one of our team members to learn more about how we can straighten things out for you!


Say goodbye to annoying and messy moulds! With Dunsmuir Dental’s iTero digital scanning technology, we can scan a full rendering of your teeth on the spot! The iTero ® Intraoral Scanner is synonymous with high precision. Its parallel confocal imaging technology uses optical and laser scanning to achieve high precision and accuracy without powder or complicated hovering.
